About Erin:
Certified Oregon Naturalist
Dragonfly Society of the Americas (member) & citizen odonatologist
Backyard Habitat Certification Program (site certifier)
Friends of the Willamette Valley National Wildlife Refuge Complex (board member)
Friends of Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge (board member)
iNaturalist (monthly supporter)
iNaturalist personal projects:
Hi! Thanks for stopping by. My name is Erin, my husband is Ron, and Oregarden is the affectionate name we call our home garden here in Portland, Oregon. I’m a Certified Oregon Naturalist through Oregon State University with a passion for dragonflies and gardening for wildlife. When not at home, we spend our time exploring Oregon, with a keen eye for odonata, birds, herps, and fungi.
Living in the PNW temperate climate supports our ability to grow stunning roses, a diverse selection of veggies and annuals, as well as enjoy a gorgeous assortment of northwest native plants. Our garden is adjacent to acres of forest trees, home to a myriad of birds and other critters. We’re able to enjoy these visitors when they pop by our garden.
Our garden is 100% natural - we practice Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and don’t use any chemicals, even those advertised as organic. Any chemical has the potential to harm beneficial insects and the thriving ecosystem we lovingly support in our garden. We strive to live in harmony with everything around us.
We also love fun and color! You never know what you’ll find when you walk the garden…
Naturalist Resources:
iNaturalist — Nature app that helps you identify the plants and animals around you
Oregon Naturalist program by Oregon State University Extension
Field Guide to Birds of Western North America book by Sibley
Gardening for Wildlife:
Natures Best Hope book by Doug Tallamy
Native Plants: (Portland area)
Portland Plant List - official list of Willamette Valley Natives
Farmington Gardens - a lovely collection of native plants
Gardening Resources, Supply & Decor:
Territorial Seed Company — my go to source!
Etsy — unique signs and decor for the garden
Gardening with Native Plants of the Pacific Northwest book by Kruckeberg and Chalker-Scott
Vegetable Gardening in the Pacific Northwest book by Forkner
Bee & Pollinator Resources:
Bumblee Bee Guide to Western North America — amazing pdf
The Bees in Your Backyard book by Wilson & Carril
Ecolingual — August Jackson, outstanding photos and author of the The Bees of the Willamette Valley
Steven Falk — fly photography
Macro Bugtography — by Phil
US Forrest Service Animal Pollination — with pages on each type of pollinator