Finished pond - July 2023
In July 2023, we had a wildlife pond added to our backyard habitat wanted to encourage more Odonata visitors. Just a few weeks after it was finished, we watched Shadow Darners laying eggs in the new pond! The very next season (2024), we spotted several nymphs, a few different species emerging from both our pond and waterfall, and more adults stoping by to oviposit new clutches of eggs at our ponds.
Sep 2024 - a Shadow Darner ovipositing at our pond
Aug 2024 - a Flame Skimmer emerging from our pond
Feb 2024 - a skimmer nymph!
May 2024 - a Libellulidae nymph
As our backyard habitat has matured, we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of wildlife species that stop by or call our garden home. As a naturalist, I consider dragonflies one of my specialties, and when not at home we are usually traveling Oregon to find and photograph as many species as possible. Check out my gallery on Odonata to see some of the stellar photos we’ve captured.
May 2024 - a rainy day at the pond