Garlic 2022

August - cured and ready!

Garlic might be my very favorite thing to grow! I sow in October and harvest the following summer, providing 9 months of growth and interest throughout the year. It’s as ‘set it and forget it’ a crop as you can get. This year I planted even more than last, close to 100 bulbs.

This year’s varieties

  • Purple Glazer

  • Premium Northern White

  • Mt. Hood

  • Elephant Garlic (not true garlic, but still!)

Some folks harvest the scapes once they’ve formed, which are yummy and allow the plant to put a little more energy into a slightly bigger bulb. However, I leave most of my scapes as the bees absolutely love the flowers!

February - grown enough to remove the protective cover and leaf mulch.

May - finally starting to produce scapes! It’s a few weeks behind from last year’s timeline, which might be due to our late snow this year.

July - some of the pulled garlic!