Year in Review: 2023

We had four mature native trees planted in January and we’ve enjoyed seeing them change throughout the year. It stayed fairly cold well into April, which meant a bit of a late start for some plants and pollinators emerging. But it’s way better than the snowmageddon last April that zapped so many things!

Funny enough, this year was the year of the rabbit! And in the spring, little bunnies wreaked havoc on our roses and dahlias, which prompted us to put up some fencing around those beds to give the plants a chance.

We had a pond installed in July, specifically to attract dragonflies. And just a few weeks after, we witnessed Shadow Darners laying eggs in our new pond!

I completed the OSU Master Naturalist program this year and worked to become a volunteer with Portland Audubon to support the Backyard Habitat Certification Program as a site certifier.

Our garden was also featured heavily in this video by our city: Backyard Habitats - Carbon Responsible Community Development - Tigard, Oregon (2023)